Thought For The Day


If you have ever  had little children in your home, you know that bedtime can be a traumatic experience for kids. . .and for you. I can remember (really, I can) when we used to put our boys to bed and, for a while, it was not unusual for them to get back up, come looking for us, or just go start playing again wherever the toys were stored. Sometimes I had to get their attention about the process. Once I (we) put them to bed, they were to remain in bed until morning. A couple of them, as they got to be teenagers, followed the same pattern they practiced as a child. Sometime during night, long after my bride and I were sound asleep, they would get up, take the car, and head out for. . .well, let’s just say “head out.” Obviously we had to put a stop to that as well.

There is a narrative in Scripture that reminds me of those activities. John, writing in his first Epistle to the Church, said, “So now, little children, remain in Him, so that when He appears, we may have boldness and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.” (1 John 2:28) It would appear that many people who claim membership in the family of God are struggling with this command. Perhaps it is a simple matter of disobedience – we have discussed that a bit earlier (See: What Really Matters, January 6, 2014). But, it is also possible that it is a failure to communicate clearly the simple Truth that underlies the concept about which John speaks. Hence –

This command is not a commentary on the actions of Christ the Lord. For those who are His, He remains in them by the power of the Spirit fully and permanently. Jesus said He would never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus said He would be with us in the person of the Spirit to the “end of the age.” Therefore, we need to fully comprehend that this verse describes the very manner in which we live our life from day to day. A narrow, incomplete list of how such “remaining” might begin to be accomplished would include – constant, intimate prayer (communication); intensive daily involvement with His revelation (His Word); involvement regularly and purposefully (for ministry) in the life of His Bride, the Body of Christ ( the Church).

I tried to teach my children that remaining in bed when they placed there had important advantages – restorative sleep, better health, happier days, renewal of vitality and vigor, even the opportunity to dream.

And best of all, no discipline for disobedience.



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