Thought For The Day

Sleeping In

It is amazing what one can discover if one reads all the statistics on how to conduct one’s life so that their health is not compromised. I talked a bit about French Fries this week, now it is time to talk a bit about sleep.

Are you one who sleeps late on weekends? You get up early and get to work five days a week, but come Saturday and Sunday, staying in that bed till late morning is something you look forward to and enjoy with great pleasure. Well, bad news is here.

Social jet lag—the term for what happens to your body when you stay up late and sleep in on the weekends—may contribute to poor health, worse mood, and fatigue—even if you still get the “right” amount of sleep every night. A preliminary new study found that every hour sleep was shifted per week was associated with an 11% increased risk of heart disease. (TIME)

And if that is not bad enough, just realize that sleeping late on Sunday probably causes you to miss some or all of the wonderful things that are happening at the local Church where you should be on Sunday morning. I know some people worship or Saturday. . .and this survey has you covered too. Some people worship on Saturday night, but that is more often a precursor to sleeping late on Sunday. . .so not good.

The writer of Hebrews (the Bible) told us that it is unwise to forsake the “assembly” of the brethren to Worship. In fact, the command is to do no such thing. (see Hebrews 10:25)

So, just so you know, sleeping late on Sunday (sleep shift) can affect your heart negatively. But here is the good, good news. Getting up and joining in the Sunday morning experience at Church with great music, wonderful teaching of Truth, and fellowship with the family of God WILL affect your heart positively.

Next Sunday morning you might want to think about that for a few minutes before you drift back to sleep.

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