Thought For The Day

Somebody is Lying

While Lloveletters is not a political publication, one cannot help  but notice that over the last several days, if you are paying any attention at all to the Impeachment/Trial of the President of the United States (a very significant event), somebody(s) is lying. No one could be so uninformed that they would miss the impossibly wide divide between those who are supporting the President, and those who are eager to see him removed from office. Somewhere in the midst of all the rhetoric there is the truth. Could it be that there is truth and lies on both sides? Sure!! Few people are above lying about anything and/or everything if the outcome of a situation will be turned in their favor.

Lies are not uncommon – anywhere. Attending “Church” on Sunday can allow you to hear lies. There is no shortage of those who twist the Truth of God into lies to garner support of their desires and designs. Multitudes of people attend the gathering of Believers because of an endless number of desires for something short of the Truth. Even genuine Believers find themselves lying about their motive for being involved in the Church of Jesus Christ.

As I write this post, the Senate of the United States of America has voted to hear no live witnesses. Soon (hopefully) they will vote to convict or acquit the President regarding the Impeachment articles. Hopefully that will slow down the constant stream of lies that fill the airways. Sometimes I wish I knew the truth about who did what – with whom, to whom, why, where, when and how. But I can live without knowing. . .and I am sure I will.

I cannot live without the Truth of God. It is a staple of life for me. I hope it is for you. One Truth is clear above any doubt – God lloved you enough to pay the ransom which can release you from the curse of sin and death. Don’t miss that Truth. Don’t, Don’t, Don’t!

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