Thought For The Day

Stealing At Church

Andrew Chavez tells the story in the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram of the Pastors office being robbed during the morning Worship hour. There were some surprising words in the story, at least from my perspective –

He [the Pastor] and others at the church were shocked by the theft, surprised that someone would walk into a church during a service and loot its office. “To know that people are bold enough to go to the pastor’s study and take something and thirty minutes later they’re spending the pastor’s money. . .” 

We solved that immediate problem at our Church a long time ago. We make sure the Pastor doesn’t have any money, at least not enough that he can leave it laying around for folks to steal. (C’mon – it’s just a joke)

What surprises me is that there seems to be a failure to recognize that theft in the Church has been a constant problem since God created money. Malachi (a prophet of the Old Testament) asks, “Will a man rob God?”  The answer is a resounding yes! Oh sure, it was some “outside” criminal type who stole into the building, stole the briefcase, stole out again, and went on a spending spree. But it ought to remind us that we should never be shocked when some people steal from others, especially if we are among that significant number who steal regularly from God.

I going to encourage my Pastor to lock up his office. I know there’s no money there, but someone might steal his birds.

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