Thought For The Day

Successes and Outcomes

I never expected to hear it from a Washington D.C. bureaucrat – but, here it is in print from the Ft. Worth Star Telegram
“It’s Day Two of the Transportation and Infrastructure Summit in Irving, and Federal Highway Administrator Victor Mendez said, ‘We need to go from a formula system to an approach that goes on successes and outcomes.'”


Now while it is true that he was talking only about “Federal Highway Funds,” (that’s the money that the Feds take from you and then give back to you to spend under the rules and guidelines that they attach to using the money which was yours in the first place) we just need to get that philosophy ingrained into the workings of our United States Congress.

Instead of just “giving away our money” to programs that don’t work in a ceaseless morass of policy which is both incomprehensible and unworkable, why not tie every dollar spent by the Government to something that produces success and an optimal outcome. In case I am not making myself clear, let me give you an example: for decades we have been giving the “poor” people of our society, a handout rather than a hand up (read: jobs and education). As a result, instead of having more productive people helping others  to become more productive, we have more “poor” people than ever growing increasingly more in need of hand outs. That is not success, and it is not the optimum outcome. So get rid of that formula. In other words, find a program that works successfully, and don’t spend another dime on failure.

The Bible says,“if anyone isn’t willing to work, he should not eat. For we hear that there are some among you who walk irresponsibly, not working at all, but interfering with the work of others.” 2 Thessalonians 3: 10-11 (Does that last sentence mean Paul knew about our Congress?)

Our Congress has a formula that doesn’t work in many, if not most, cases. Let’s find some people who understand success and positive outcomes.

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