Thought For The Day

Textbook Wars

How come no one ever asks me what I think? I don’t get any calls wanting to know what to do about these arguments. And I know the solution.

“Leaders of an interfaith group that includes Christians, Jews and Muslims urged the State Board of Education on Monday to abandon what they called an “inflammatory” resolution that purportedly documents an anti-Christian, pro-Islamic bias in world history textbooks.” (Dave Montgomery, Ft. Worth Star-Telegram)
Are we still printing textbooks for Texas school kids? Why? Give every kid a laptop computer, provide access to every book that would normally be used in the classroom, and make the e-books “religion specific.”

By that I mean, let the text be edited by the guys referenced above, and provide a e-book that tells the history with whatever slant you want – Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Atheistic, etc., or if it’s really important, they can have version specific chapters for Methodists, Baptists, Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, and so on, and the kids can pick (with the judicious advice of their parents) that version of history with which they are most comfortable.

E-books are easily updated – so when the Christians want to adjust history, or the Jewish leaders want to add something wonderful they did, or the Islamic folks need to subtract an indiscretion, and the Atheists need to add an additional event to the workings of Mother Earth,  everything gets fixed – no problem. New version of history, pick update, click download, done.

Now, don’t you wish someone had asked me in the first place.

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