Thought For The Day

It Ain’t Over. . .

Forgive me if I stay with the Dallas Cowboys another time or two. I got home in time to see the end of the third and all of the fourth quarter. It was a very disheartening and disappointing game.

But – how long has it been since a Super Bowl winner had a season of  14 and 2? (Can’t remember what the Saints did last year)  Surely we don’t expect to win them all (well, I’d like that), right? And along comes Randy G. of the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram –

At this point, even just two games into the season, it’s not too early to say this hyped-up season is over.
I think  it was Yogi who said, “It ain’t over till it’s over.” I know, there are teams that are “expected” to be better than Washington and Chicago, but don’t you have to beat all of them (the best teams) anyway to get to the Super Bowl? So we take our three or four losses up front – 0 and 4 (ouch) – and then we knock off everyone else. It’s been done before. . .hasn’t it? If not, let’s be first!
I’d rather be optimistic than pessimistic. I rather have hope than conceding before we’ve hardly begun. Wouldn’t you? Hey, it ain’t over! It may soon be. . .but enough of that. Let’s wait it out.
How many times has Christianity taken a beating? How many times have God’s people been counted out? But God’s people grow stronger in direct proportion to the amount of persecution rendered. I know the end of God’s Earth story. We win! We win! We win!
So with the Cowboys, I’m just doing what comes naturally.

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