Thought For The Day


One of the “features,” offered when I am using my computer to work, is a site called “Thrillist.” I’m not exactly sure what is found there – it appears to offer information regarding various eateries, activities of certain kinds, and other “exciting”  adventures that are available at a price.

I don’t have much use for that since I am always working on the farm, traveling back and forth for family/work reasons, or writing down what is next on the agenda for the day. When one reaches my age it is a good thing to write stuff down.

One or two things I have noticed, which don’t seem to have much of a “thrill” for God’s people, comes to mind. I just don’t see a lot of people being thrilled by spending time in God’s’ Word. I would hope that is because one is quite learned in the Truth of Scripture and practices Holiness and Righteousness on a high level at all times. Most aren’t and don’t. It is not usual to find folks that are gathering with the Body of Christ for Worship as a priority thrill. Rather it seems to be much more “thrilling” to stay home and watch movies, or play games, or mow the lawn. Certainly there is nothing wrong with those kinds of activities, but I am convinced that somewhere deep inside us there ought to be a palpable thrill when we are in the presence of the Family of God, and having our minds and spirits renewed by the teaching of God’s Spirit in us as we peruse the Word of God. Should we not be thrilled by the great music of the Church when it is presented by a choir of God’s people, or God’s people in the pews, lifting praise to honor and glorify Him?

I know I am sometime thrilled when I listen to a man, chosen and gifted by God to proclaim the Truth, when he opens the Book, and shares with me the incredible nature of God’s llove, care, sufficiency, and peace which is available to every Believer. How I wish that were true for all who are part of the family of God.

Is it fair for me to ask. . .what is on your “thrill” list? Does your heart beat faster when you hear the “still, small voice?” Are you thrilled when your silent comment during Bible Study is. . .”oh, I am so glad I finally understand that Truth!”? How big is the thrill when someone with whom you are sharing the Gospel says,  “I believe!”? Are you thrilled to know that Jesus is coming. . .maybe soon?

I’m just asking.


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