Thought For The Day

Wake Up America

I heard a “Talk Show” host say today that most Americans just don’t care about what is clearly revealed during these days of this political season. Well. . .I do care. I just don’t know what I can do. Of course I will vote. I have tried to point out God’s perspective, and people who know me are pretty sure they know where I stand.

But I must say this: Wake up America! The emphasis on the part of the media is leading those who are not alert – astray. The two major political parties are totally focused on making sure their “playhouse” is not damaged by this election. There is clear evidence of high crimes, blatant corruption, bribery,  quid pro quo illegalities, careless (and probably criminal) use of classified materials, and lies enough to sink our Nation. Any intelligent person understands that is only the tip of the iceberg. The media, whose role it is to REPORT the news with no bias, is almost completely focused on the use of slang words (however ugly, unkind, and even, perhaps, degrading) for anatomical features, and the possibility that one has improperly touched another person. Certainly that is an unacceptable (though common on the part of most people in this World) behavior (though no one I have heard has indicated it is criminal) and should be stopped, and I believe, has been.

The reality is America is facing the most crucial time in it history, in my opinion. If millions of Americans don’t wake up and see that we may soon be separated permanently from what America was envisioned, designed, and built to be, we may never have another opportunity.

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