Thought For The Day

What to Do

Do you ever wonder what people do when something comes along that is just “too much?” One of your kids is in trouble with the law, your physician has just introduced the word “cancer” in the conversation, or your next door neighbor calls your office to tell you your house is on fire.

I wonder about those who have no practice of prayer, and no one in whom they believe beyond their own capabilities. How do they cope with the uncertainties of life? On whom do they lean when the circumstance is beyond the help of ordinary folks?

What I have seen, again and again, is that what is true on Saturday, is changed on Monday, because of what has happened on Sunday. I’m talking about God’s people gathering to pray for a situation, and something dramatically changes for the good. That does not mean that a burned out house is restored in a moment, but it does mean that untold and unexpected resources come to bear in such a manner that the hurt and despair is lifted and joy comes even in the midst of great loss.

It may mean that the prognosis that seemed grim on Saturday, is suddenly discovered to be less problematic on Monday, and defeat becomes victory.

Prayer. It’s not magical. It is God at work in he lives of those He blesses with llove and grace. I can’t imagine life without it.

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