Thought For The Day

What’s At Stake?

It’s time to VOTE! does not promote information regarding WHO you should vote for. Rather, we give counsel as to WHAT you should vote for. The WHAT in this case are Biblical principles that have been the pillars on which our  society rests, not to mention the foundational pillars the World is built on. A viable argument cannot be made that our Nation (the United States of America) was not established on Biblical principals. The early founders  of our Democratic Represent Republic were men of God to one degree or another, and until the last half of the 20th century, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Nation’s Flag which includes the fitting phrase, “one Nation under God,” spoke clearly to a significant majority of “Americans.” That is not to imply that most Americans were or are “Christian,” but that God was respected and believed to be the central figure of our Nation as a whole. Somehow that confidence has seemingly come tumbling down,  replaced by a hedonistic self-centered mindset, and we are the worse for it.

People for  whom you will vote subscribe to Biblical principles, or they do (will) not. As a Believer you must establish in your own mind a standard that must be reached to secure your vote which gives them the power to carry out the principles of their Party, or the established agenda to which they subscribe. Anything less is to forfeit your right to life in a Nation that remains “under God” in any shape or form. To believe that we are not moving toward a Godless, socialistic, Government ruled society (as opposed to ruled by a Constitutional “we the people” rule)  is to be less than honest and/or intellectually competent.

Listen to what is being said, pray, pray, pray, and listen some more. Then VOTE. It is our responsibility as Believers to demand allegiance to the Infinite God of Creation if we are to remain a great “Nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.”

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