Thought For The Day

Words That Destroy

Indiana did what many other States have done. They followed the path of President Clinton and others who were willing to establish a Restoration of Religious Freedom law that would give some little glimmer of hope regarding the constant barrage of those who would outlaw Christianity if that were possible (see Matthew 16:18). People have been trying to do that since the Virgin Birth of our Savior some two thousand years ago. (Unfamiliar with that history? Begin your study with King Herod and his request of the Wise Men who stopped to speak with him, and his subsequent action, before the Savior was two years old.)

As best I can tell there was never any real discrimination against the LGBT agenda in Indiana. There ought to be, of course, but the predominate “media” in this great country of freedom lovers will, at a minimum, attempt to destroy anyone who publicly opposes that agenda. The whole of the problem, in my opinion, described in this quote, lies at the feet of the “media.” The people of Indiana are victims of a vicious attempt to destroy those who oppose what so few (well less than 2%) of our Nation’s citizens forcefully, adamantly, and loudly demand.

(INDIANAPOLIS) — Indiana tourism agencies are rolling out campaigns emphasizing that everyone is welcome, but it might not be enough to quickly restore the state’s [sic] battered image after a backlash over its religious objections law. An uproar sparked by fears that the law would allow discrimination against gays and lesbians led a few convention organizers and performers to cancel events and some state [sic] and local governments to ban travel to the state [sic] last week. (Associated Press)

Words are dangerous! That exactly why Scripture tells us to – “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” (Ephesians 4:29) Words once spoken, can never be unspoken.

The backlash, the State’s battered image, the uproar sparked by fear (not something that had or was about to happen), is primarily the fault of the “media.” What Indiana needs is a National public apology from the “media” and a concerted effort on their part to roll out a campaign emphasizing that everyone is welcome.

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