Thought For The Day

Before You Buy. . .

This is a great time to be visiting Wyoming. There are not many folks who live here, and precious few visitors this time of year. Campgrounds are available. There are no lines. Most roads are open. . .and they tell you in advance if they are not.

Today my bride and I drove a scenic byway into the Snowy Range Mountains. We stopped to get a bite to eat at a restaurant/bake shop/bar in the tiny town of Centennial. We were the only people in the place, and the proprietor, a super nice woman, sat and talked with us while we ate a huge slice of her pumpkin bread. She just happened to mention that she had bought the place in October last year and up until then (and even now on the side) she was in the Real Estate business.

On the way there we had passed a place called Wild Horse Ranch. One can buy a 40 acre lot there. . .and many people have. It is mostly flat but there are a few places that back up to the mountains (all sold now), so I asked the restauranteur if she knew what a place there sold for.

For the next 20 minutes she schooled me on buying land in Wyoming. She said most of the people there had bought “online” without ever seeing anything but the pictures (and one knows pictures can be. . .well, misleading). I am not sure she ever told me how much the 40 acres would cost, but that there was no water. One can drill a well, but most don’t find any water, and  those who have, found the water to be unusable. Most have said it even killed their plants. She told us one man had spent over half a million dollars to create a water system for his 40 acres and it had nearly killed everything he owned. Now he hauls in water every other day for all the usual purposes plus watering his huge trees (which be brought in and planted – none grow there naturally. . .no water). According to her it is a nightmare.

Got me thinking about all those Churches that are selling everything but the Truth. Everything sounds good, even looks good, and lots of people get involved, but there is no Living Water.

Every day there are places to buy land you best not. Every Sunday you can attend Churches with exciting music and programs and activities and food and fun and happy times, and it’s all just so much stuff. I suggest you find a place where there is Living Water, because you can’t live without it. (See John 4:10)

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