Thought For The Day

Confused Again

I hate to admit it, but I am confused again. Here’s the rub. . .

Why is it that Mr. Trump having any kind of relationship with V. Putin of Russia (not that they know each other, evidently they don’t) is considered almost treason. If Mr. Putin respects Mr. Trump, or vice versa, then obviously Mr. Trump is being compromised and our Nation is in danger.

On the other hand, Mr. Obama said, and has been saying for years, that he was making friends of the leaders of Middle-Eastern Countries and that the friendships would pay off in a positive attitude change toward the United States. Of course we haven’t seen that happen, but people are still praising his intent.

I don’t get it.

Politics is not the only arena where that kind of things occurs. The Church has sorta the same issues and I can’t figure that out either (I am kinda new at this “Church” game).

When I tell people I missed them the previous Sunday, or in so many cases, the previous several Sundays, they often make a remark similar to this: “Surely you don’t expect me to be here every Sunday. We have a life, you know.”

On the other hand, if someone or some family misses a Sunday, or a few Sundays, and I don’t contact them, or mention the previous Sunday when they return I often hear: “Well, I guess you didn’t miss us. Perhaps we should look for another place where we will be appreciated.”

I don’t get it.

Politics and Church. Church and Politics. I am sure our Father understands it all.


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