Thought For The Day

Election Day

November 3, 2020. What will I do today? I could be satisfied. I could be disturbed. Actually I assume I won’t know the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election by the time I trundle off to bed. The count could take days, weeks, months – maybe a trip to the House of Representatives, or the Supreme Court of the United States.

One thing: I can’t be happy from a Worldly perspective regarding what looms large. Theologically, yes! God is in control, and nothing has, or will, happened in which He is not Sovereign. But from a Worldly perspective I want our Nation to be so vastly different than it currently is. I don’t want to believe that isn’t ever going to happen. The next happy place will be Heaven.

It’s possible that God will spare us as a Nation. I know of no reason why He should. We have corrupted life from conception to death.We have turned away from God and His design and principles, and we have dared Him to do anything about it. We have violated His Truth, abandon His llove, and created a new Hell on Earth – as if the one coming is not bad enough already.

If God should spare this Nation, I will know why He did. Llove. Pure, simple, clear – “For God so lloved the World that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life..” John 3:16.

Perhaps a great revival will break out in the Body of Christ and Believers will lead our Nation to repentance, confession, faith, bringing about the redemption of millions of people. The United States will again become “One Nation under God,” and genuine llove will be the order of the day. Or perhaps He will send our Savior to gather His bride and take us to the “Marriage Supper of the Lamb.”  Maybe National Leadership will find peace with God (reconciliation), and Godliness might grow out of evil, suffering, and death.

We could be near “the End.” We could be on the cusp of a new Beginning. It’s possible everything will pretty much be the  same – and we will trudge on growing in faith or floundering in fear.

What will tomorrow bring?

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