Thought For The Day

Finding Support

When one wants to do something – good or bad – it is always helpful to find support. If one looks hard enough, one can find support for almost anything.

If one wants to burn buildings, steal “stuff,” and create havoc, one needs only to find people who feel like they have been disenfranchised in life, and have a desire to “stick it” to those they blame.

If one wants to do something that is damaging to America, support the collapse of our economy, and create havoc in education,   increase joblessness, overwhelm public welfare, skew politics, and “stick it” to those who won’t agree to such a plan, one would wisely go to where they can find the most support.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama will outline a plan on Thursday to relax U.S. immigration policy and grant relief from deportation to as many as 5 million undocumented immigrants in a go-it-alone move that will deepen a partisan divide with Republicans. The White House said Obama will deliver a televised speech on Thursday night laying out the plan followed by a trip to Las Vegas on Friday to build support. Nevada is home to the highest proportion of undocumented immigrants in the country. (emphasis mine)

Now some of my readers might think I am being political in my thinking here, but I assure you I am only thinking about the Church of Jesus Christ and those who would harm her. Atheists don’t cause much problem for the Church. Doctrinal division, while a pain in the neck, does not cause too much difficulty. But – and it is a big “but,” we (the Church of Jesus Christ) are preponderantly damaged  by those who promise more than that which God has designed for His children. They are known as “apostates” and their primary action is to pervert the Truth, insert lies into the mind of Believers and non-believers alike, and live a life of ungodliness ensconced in riches pilfered from the faithful. Their half-truths, deception, and fantastic whole-cloth fantasies perpetrate damage that is difficult to repair and leave a significant trail of impairment and despair among their followers.

Just as some of us won’t riot, or sell-out America for narcissistic popularity, we won’t tolerate lies and deception in the family of God.

Get used to it.

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