Thought For The Day


I have been trying to figure out the different perceptions of society regarding an issue depending on who is the actor in relationship to the issue being perceived. (Can one even understand that sentence?)

Here’s one example of what gets me thinking – Associated Press release on the Clinton Foundation:

“Yes, we made mistakes, as many organizations of our size do. . . .”

Why is it a “mistake” for some, and a violation of the law for others? Why is it perceived to be “OK” for someone to use a word in a “Rap” song, that might get another individual killed using the same word in normal conversation?

Why is a “lie” a “misspeak” if your standing in society is considered to be “high enough?”

Well, I could go on and on. . .but I imagine you would be better served if I did not.

I like the word “hamartia.” It has several definitions, really, but the best is from the Greek meaning, “to miss the mark.” There is a lot of that going on in the World these days. God has a standard for everyone, and to “miss that mark” is often, and rightly, called “sin.” Fortunately, God has only one standard (His perception is always the same, for everyone), and to violate it is clearly explained in His Word. And, most wonderful of all, it is forgivable. Oh, the infinite grace of God!



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