Thought For The Day

Having It Both Ways

Some number of people “want it both ways.” Most often the rejoinder for such is that one cannot. I was not surprised when I read the “gaffe” (???) of Kelly Osborne. She has obviously not been properly trained in speaking Political Correctness, thereby making what really is a common mistake (or is that misspeak?)

If you missed it (thank goodness I did -had to hear it on the News), she said,

“If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump?” (TIME)

Here’s the conundrum. We have been told “forever” the we must have the undocumented aliens from South of the border because there are jobs that Americans just won’t take. Certainly cleaning toilets would be on that list (however untrue that may be). But to make that as an announcement in an attempt to discredit Mr. Trump, led to “offending multitudes of Latinos.” Obviously Ms. Osborne should have said, “whose going to be _____________ (fill in your own  politically correct or incorrect job title).

The truth is, people of every ethnicity clean toilets. I have been know to clean quite a few. And, surely it is true that some undocumented guests of our Nation are Physicians, Attorneys, Bankers, etc.

I’ve noticed that the Church of Jesus Christ has a significant number of folks who want their experience “both ways.” They want to boast of their llove for God, but find no need (or pleasure) to be involved with the Father’s Bride, the Church. If I read the Scripture correctly (and I do) that is not possible. Those who llove the Father llove the Brethren. That may not be Politically Correct, but it is Scripturally correct. Sorry if that offends you.


One Comment

  • dp

    Not an offense to me.
    and concerning your lead in, I have cleaned a few, still do. In a place right now that you do not see any “latinos” (and I do hate that DIVISIVE term) and the toilets all seem to be clean.
    there is one race of people, we all are brown, and the only difference is our eternal destination.

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