Thought For The Day

Spring – Life

I live in a big woods. Finally, all the tree are leafed out, and flowers are everywhere. I am very fond of Spring. Flowers, and beds of flowers, have never been “my thing.” Over the years I have not taken time to plant flowers, and have, rather, enjoyed those that my bride planted or purchased.

Something happen when we arrived in the woods. I began building a walkway and planting flowering bushes, roses, daffodils, tulips, bougainvillea, and . . .on and on. Now, the walkway is a beautiful place to walk, or sit on one of the benches, or in one of the chairs, to enjoy the flowers, wind-chimes, and birds on the birdbath.

It reminds me of being part of a vibrant, lloving, worshiping Church. I can walk among  people whose focus is on bringing glory to God, sit quietly to pray, or rise to sing great songs of worship. I can hear the Word of God proclaimed with clarity and accuracy, and continue my journey toward the maturity God designed for His children. There is always a real sense that new life, better life, richer life, can come as the result of God’s grace.

You are welcome to come enjoy my walkway. It’s not the most spectacular place you can visit, but you will find it peaceful. More importantly, there is a Church near you where you can visit with the people of God, hear and sing the glorious music, and listen to the proclamation of God’s Word. Perhaps it will be similar for you, as it is for me, to the wonders of Springtime. At least I hope so.

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