Thought For The Day

The Solution

The educational leadership in our Country, those who write history books, those who teach in so many liberal institutions of learning, don’t seem to have a problem changing our students view of history. I never cease to be amazed at how something that happens in our World can, in a matter of a few year, become something entirely different for new students of history, and society at large.

If indeed that is the case, I think I have the solution for the “flag” controversy. There is that never ending battle between those who hold the “stars and bars” (the Confederate Battle Flag) to be a symbol of their heritage as citizens (whose ancestors, American all, fought and died in that struggle) of the “South” as opposed to those of the “North,” in the battle over State’s rights (which many call the “War of Northern Aggression”), and those who believe the “flag” is a symbol of bigotry and hate with a serving of ‘preserving slavery” thrown in for good measure.

Why don’t we allow (or force) our Historians to begin the process of dissolving the whole matter of the Civil War. With some effort we can strike all references from History books, eliminate the war between the States from our school curriculum, and in a matter of just a few years that particular skirmish will be unknown in our great land (hence, no need for the flag).

We are well on our way to changing everything the “Founding Father” thought and taught (we just started the real effort on this matter in the last couple of decades) . We have about talked ourselves into believing (historically) that the United States is the epitome of Colonialism with all take and no give, and are quickly teaching our society that the Scriptures, God’s Holy Word, are worthless since they are either beyond understanding or bigoted, or foolish mysticism, or on the same value level as other “holy” books (read: The Book of Mormon, the Quran, and our President’s bible, Rules for Radicals)

In a Nation where most people can’t name the Vice-President, don’t remember Pearl Harbor, and are already fuzzy about what happened in New Y0rk City on September 11, 2001, we can toss away that unpopular generator of strong feelings and bad attitudes with great haste.

See, I told you I had a solution!


  • dp

    He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
    Lets just pray that derision is constant, when they are awake, when they try to sleep, when they try to be pleased with themselves; until they repent, because there is A hope..

  • D West

    You definitely described the problem, I am only one person who has five children total, two older, and three school age. they all know And/or are learning history from non other than Dad! My oldest daughter reports to me that her teachers are amazed that she knows so much about history. It may not be a small contribution but I feel as a parent that if the schools won’t teach it, I will.

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