Thought For The Day

When To Question

According to Associated Press the following statement was made: INDEPENDENCE, Mo. – Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Monday he will never question others’ patriotism during the race and blames his own “carelessness” for some criticism of him so far.

It seems to me that it is always time to “question” one’s patriotism. I want to know that those who lead or wish to lead our nation are Patriots. When there are people and groups of people who have sworn to destroy the United States of America, either from without or within, I want to know who is on our side. I want to know who is going to support the Constitution (as it was written), protect and defend our Republic, and if necessary, pursue liberty even at the cost of personal sacrifice.

But you need to know I am just being consistent. I want to know who is a “believer” and who isn’t. Who is on the Lord’s side? Who is standing up for the Church, God’s chosen people, and who is willing to lay down his life for the brethren? Who believes and defends the Word of God? Who is committed to “the Faith?”

Here’s a quote from Maury Sledd, one of the Teachers at the Church I attend. He said he got most of it from the Lifeway materials for this week. Whoever wrote it – it’s as good as it gets in my opinion.

Recently the Space Shuttle Endeavor completed a nighttime launch from Cape Kennedy, Florida, providing spectacular photos of the gleaming white spacecraft streaking into the sky on a pillar of fire.  An interesting fact about the Space Shuttle fleet relates to the reusable solid fuel boosters that lift the rocket off the launch pad and propel it into orbit.  Once lit, there is no way to shut these boosters down until their fuel is exhausted two minutes later.  Everyone involved in the Space Shuttle launch – from the astronauts to the mission control staff – must make a total commitment to the event beforehand as there is no turning back.

 In a similar manner, God lights a fire of faith in the heart of every believer whom He chooses to bear His name.  Once we make that commitment of belief in the Lord Jesus there is no turning back.  God demands total commitment from us, just as His Son made a total commitment to our redemption when He allowed Himself to be nailed to a cross.

 In our study this week of Acts 9:15-30, we’ll see the white-hot example of uncompromising faith in the Apostle Paul.  Upon examining his conversion to Christianity and the beginning of his ministry, we will learn how to express our own total commitment to the Lord’s purposes through our actions.  While we may not have the impact on the world that Paul did, God has equipped and empowered us with the very same Holy Spirit.  He is able to give us every resource we need and help us overcome any challenge, face any trial, and stand up to any form of persecution to accomplish God’s will as we serve Him with total commitment.

Now, that’s the right spirit . . .even for Patriots!

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